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Through the law firm Power and Associates Intelwatch, together with the non-profit organization the Right2Know Campaign, has lodged a complaint with the South African Information Regulator to effect an investigation into a company behind the aggressive proliferation of public space surveillance throughout South Africa. The company, Vumacam, is expanding its network of thousands surveillance cameras, building a nationwide CCTV network; it track persons and vehicles, and is completely unregulated. The surveillance system utilizes artificial intelligence, license plate readers, and high definition overhead cameras. Vumacam has confirmed that it has extended its services to Nigeria, and it also has ambitions to export its AI-driven video analytics software globally. The company works closely with established equipment vendors from both China and the West.
Vumacam is increasingly partnering with the State’s law enforcement agencies.
In what we consider major progress for the cause, the information regulator has escalated our application for a preliminary assessment of Vumacam’s activities to an official complaint.
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